One Shot Fasteners and Accessories

SKU: OneShotFastenersandAccessories Category:

NZ biggest selling profiled polycarbonate fastener

One Shot® fasteners cut an expansion hole in the sheet that ensures your Polycarbonate sheet is installed correctly, allowing for thermal expansion and contraction in all conditions.

For installation of roofs over 3m in height or for high wind zones, please contact Alsynite or see Alsynite Mighty-Tite. Always follow the installation guidelines when installing your polycarbonate sheets.

NB: Alsynite does not recommend One Shot® fasteners for installations in high or very high wind zones. Please contact Alsynite for recommended fastenings for these applications.

Technical specifications

Installation Instructions

One Shot Installation Instructions Website

Product downloads


One Shot® fasteners save 50% installation time as no pre-drilling is required.
As a guide, you will need approximately 7 fixings per lineal metre.

One shot fasteners

Timbertite Fasteners
TimberFastener 12g x 25mm CL4 & 21mm Dome Washer (Qty 50)
TimberFastener 12g x 55mm CL4 & 21mm Dome Washer (Qty 25)
TimberFastener 12g x 55mm CL4 T17 & 26mm DeksEPDM (Qty 60)
TimberFastener 12g x 55mm CL4 T17 & 26mm DeksEPDM (Qty 200)
TimberFastener 12g x 65mm CL4 & 21mm Dome Washer (Qty 50)

Mighty-Tite Fasteners (while stocks last)
Alsynite Mighty-Tite 12g x 55mm & 26 Washer (Qty 50)
Alsynite Mighty-Tite 12g x 55mm & 26 Washer (Qty 250)
Alsynite Mighty-Tite 12g x 55mm & 26 Washer (Qty 1000)

One Shot Fasteners (Recommended for Polycarbonate Only)
One Shot Timber Fasteners 12g x 50mm CL4 (Qty 250)
One Shot Timber Fasteners 12g x 50mm CL4 (Qty 1000)
One Shot Timber Fasteners 12g x 65mm CL4 (Qty 50)
One Shot Timber Fasteners 12g x 65mm CL4 (Qty 200)
One Shot Timber Fasteners 12g x 65mm CL4 (Qty 500)

Alsynite Multipurpose Fasteners
Alsynite Multipurpose 14g x 50mm & 26mm EPDM (Qty 60)
Alsynite Multipurpose 14g x 50mm & 26mm EPDM (Qty 500)
Alsynite Multipurpose 14g x 65mm & 26mm EPDM (Qty 60)
Alsynite Multipurpose 14g x 65mm & 26mm EPDM (Qty 500)
Alsynite Multipurpose 14g x 65mm & 32mm Weatherlock (Qty 50)


Please note that we are a distributor and the product comes from Hamilton
Please allow 48hr for it to be delivered.